Tuesday, January 20, 2015

uncertain about what to do

I'm not sure yet what I am going to do with my blog here, but it most likely will remain in some form. Some have asked me to document my breast cancer journey. One part of me wants to do that to help others, but the other part of me wants to put it behind me, move on and try and forget it because the feelings from the last 6 months are still so raw, and I don't know that I am ready or even wanting to revisit them, or that anyone would want to join me on a journey all of us hope and pray never becomes our reality.

 I do know I couldn't have gotten through that time without my strong faith in God, and maybe that is the part that will most likely help others going through difficult times. Anyway, I will leave my blog here for now, and if you'd like to leave me a comment please feel free to.

warms hugs,